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Monday, December 26, 2005


New Year's Resolutions Time

I love this man; his picture is reprised to give us all resolve and strength for the coming year.

One of my resolutions is to, at least once a day, do something "proactive" for justice for Palestinians. Today a leading worker for justice for Palestinians, Anne Seldon Annab, had a letter published in the Chicago Tribune Web log.

This is what she wrote in response to "If I Could Give Anything For A Gift At Christmas":

Hearts and souls

A gift of peace

I would give the people in the Holy Land the gift of real justice and a lasting peace. I’d insist that everyone acknowledge the very real plight of the Palestinian people by fully and completely respecting—and implementing—the Palestinian refugees’ inalienable right of return.

And I’d plant a garden of hope in the Holy Land, encouraging real reconciliation and respect for all God’s children

She prefaced the letter that was forwarded to a listserv "maybe if enough people send positive feedback they'll publish more in support of a just and lasting peace."

It took just a few moments for me to write the following:

Dear Editor,

Thank you for printing Anne Seldon Annab's response to "If You Could Give Any Gift, What Would it Be?" Ms. Annab's desire for peace in the Middle East and her emphasis on the right of return for the Palestinians is based upon international law. I totally concur with Ms. Annab and believe that peace between Israel-Palestine will come when this inalienable right of the dispossessed Palestinians is implemented. This may not sit well with Zionists who are concerned about maintaining a Jewish demographic majority, but it is right and it is just.

I have heard that even if our letters don't get published, they are still an indication to the editors about the public's views.

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